G7 nations unveil security framework for Ukraine

VILNIUS (Reuters) – G7 countries announced on Wednesday an international framework that paves the way for long-term security assurances for Ukraine to boost its defences against Russia and deter Moscow from future aggression. In a joint declaration, which other nations can join, the United States, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, Italy and Britain, as well as…

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Yellen raised China’s hopes for tariff cut; U.S. politics will crush them

By David Lawder and Andrea Shalal WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s trip to China has raised hopes in Beijing that Trump-era tariffs on Chinese imports may be eased as she tries to smooth relations between the two nations, but strong anti-China sentiment in the U.S. may make that impossible. Trade and political…

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China’s Huawei poised to overcome US ban with return of 5G phones -research firms

By David Kirton SHENZHEN, China (Reuters) – China’s Huawei Technologies is plotting a return to the 5G smartphone industry by the end of this year, according to research firms, signalling a comeback after a U.S. ban on equipment sales decimated its consumer electronics business.  Huawei should be able to procure 5G chips domestically using its…

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UN rights body passes disputed motion on religious hatred after Koran burning

By Gabrielle Tétrault-Farber GENEVA (Reuters) -The United Nations Human Rights Council on Wednesday approved a disputed resolution on religious hatred in the wake of the burning of a Koran in Sweden, prompting concern by Western states who say it challenges long-held practices in rights protection. The resolution, introduced by Pakistan on behalf of the 57-nation…

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India’s Adani aims to close planned $4 billion fundraising by end-December-source

By Dhwani Pandya MUMBAI (Reuters) – India’s Adani Group is aiming to close its planned up to $4 billion fundraising before the end of 2023, and is actively talking to global investors about participating, a source with direct knowledge of the matter said on Wednesday. The group’s flagship, Adani Enterprises, and Adani Green have board…

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Smart girls don’t marry? Japan rushes to erase stigma for women in science

By Mariko Katsumura TOKYO (Reuters) – A third-year student at one of Japan’s top engineering universities, Yuna Kato has her sights set on a career in research but fears it might be short-lived if she has children. Kato says relatives have tried to steer her away from science, technology, engineering and mathematics, on the notion…

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Bank of England stress test finds top 8 UK banks have enough capital

By Huw Jones LONDON (Reuters) -Britain’s eight largest lenders have enough capital to ride out a worse economic crisis than that seen in 2008, the Bank of England (BoE) said on Wednesday, as the sector faces sharply rising interest rates pummelling consumers and businesses. The test checked if banks had enough capital to weather theoretical…

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